Groups and Activities - Are still on hold at this time.
We have special groups and activities that meet throughout the year. The Quaker Ladies/Men and the Science Hill Youth Groups meet regularly while others meet as needed for fellowship and service. Some of these are described below.

Quaker Ladies and Men
The Quaker Ladies meet every month on the third Thursday at noon and enjoy a meal together. The emphasis of the group is on fellowship and outreach. They look for ways to support not only the church family but the community as well. The ladies group sponsors 2 schools in our community through the Backpack Program. For more information about Science Hill Quaker Ladies call Jane Martin @ 336 859-0396
The Quaker Men meet the first Sunday of each month at 8:30a.m. for breakfast except during the month of Easter when they prepare breakfast for the church.

Science Hill Youth Groups
Currently holding a Monthly Youth Gathering first Saturday from 1 - 3.
(Regular Meetings On Hold)
We have Junior and Senior Youth Groups. The Junior Group is for grades K- 5. The Senior Group is for grades 6 - 12.
These group typically meet the 2nd and 4th Sunday of every month at 6 pm. They do at least one special outing each month. These have included hiking trips, movie outings, ice skating, rafting trips, beach retreats, among other activities.

Vacation Bible School
A community wide Vacation Bible School (VBS) is held every summer in June at the meeting. They start on Sunday evening culminating in a finale and hot dog supper with parents and families on Thursday night.
Ongoing Activities
The CUOC monthly food collection is still continuing. Just drop it in the collection bins in the hallway behind the Sanctuary. Thank you for helping with this worthwhile cause. Please contact Ann Newlin for additional information.
Please continue to collect cancelled stamps and turning them into Jan Greene. The donation of these small items has had a large impact for others.